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CHEN Zhanqi
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XTBG, Menglun, Mengla, 666303, Yunnan, China



CHEN Zhanqi 

Laboratory of Arthropod Behavior and Ecology,                                 

Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,                          

Chinese Academy of Sciences,                                          E-mail:   chenzhanqi@xtbg.ac.cn  

Yunnan, 666303, China                                                     Phone: +86 13759260328 


Jan. 2011 –  

Dec. 2015 

PhD candidate in Biological Science 

Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore 

Dissertation: Colouration and Its Adaptive Significance in Sexual Selection of Jumping Spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) 

Sept. 2007 –  

Jun. 2010  

MSc in Zoology 

School of Life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan, China 

Dissertation: Comparative Study of Sexual Selection and Chemical Communication in Two Wolf Spider Species of  Pardosa  


Sept. 2003 –  

Jun. 2007   

BSc in Physical Education 

Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China 


Mar. 2019 – present               Professor (PI) 

                                               Laboratory of Arthropod Behavior and Ecology, 

                                               Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of   

                                               Sciences, Yunnan, China 

May 2016 - Feb. 2019            Postdoctoral Fellow  

                                                 Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of   

                                               Sciences, Yunnan, China 


Research description 

I am interested in behavioral studies of animals with focused on Arthropods, in specific, I am working on reproduction (including sexual selection and parental care), cognition and social behaviors of spiders. These studies are trying to answer the questions of what strategies animals using for reproduction success? What benefits they could achieve from a specific reproduction strategy? and how these strategies are evolved  and why they have to be evolved? what are the interactions between animal reproduction strategies and their living environmental factors? The studies are not limited to any clades of animals. 

Ongoing projects 

Parental care could achieve delayed benefits through enhancing the independent offspring’s adaptation by increasing their survive chance, reproduction success and social ranking. Studies about delayed benefits are mainly focusing on vertebrates, in which parental care is long-lasting, such as primates and cheetah. The long-lasting parental care provides space for parent-sibling information and skill transfer. Invertebrates were thought unlikely to gain delayed benefits due to the restrictions of parental investment. However, our studies revealed that the jumping spider (Toxeus magnus) mother could provide prolonged care to its adult offspring. This finding induced the possibility of delayed benefits in invertebrates. Meanwhile, we also found T. magnus mother adopt “lactation” to provide food for young. However, the physical mechanism of spider milk secretion remains unresolved. Therefore, using T. magnus as study species, we aim to examine: 1) whether parental care could achieve delayed benefits through enhancing offspring’s hunting, predator defense and mate selection skills? And how ? 2) What is the physical mechanism of spider “milk” secretion? And how it evolved? These studies will fill the research gaps of delayed benefits of parental care in invertebrates, and mammary gland out of mammals, and enhance our understanding of parental care and lactation.  




1.Dong B, Liu JX, Quan RC, Chen ZQ: Mirror image stimulation could reverse social-isolation-induced aggressiveness in the high-level subsocial lactating spider. Anim Cogn. 

2.Dong B, Wang YR, Li Q, Chen ZQ: Fleshy scoli removed without detriment: structure and potential anti-predation function in a slug caterpillar (Limacodidae). Behaviour 2022, 159(2):187-192. 

3.Deng ZW, Agnarsson I, Chen ZQ, Liu J: Meotipa species (Araneae, Theridiidae) from China. Zookeys 2022(1082):153-178. 

4.Li Q, Liu JX, Dong B, Xiao R, Chen ZQ: Two sexes respond equally to food restriction in a sexually dimorphic but not body mass dimorphic jumping spider. Ecology and Evolution 2021, 11(20):14033-14041. 

5.Dong B, Quan RC, Chen ZQ: Prolonged milk provisioning and extended maternal care in the milking spider Toxeus magnus: biological implications and questions unresolved. Zoological Research 2019, 40(4):241-243. 

6.Chen ZQ, Corlett RT, Jiao XG, Liu SJ, Charles-Dominique T, Zhang SC, Li H, Lai R, Long CB, Quan RC: Prolonged milk provisioning in a jumping spider. Science 2018, 362(6418):1052-+. 

7.Chen ZQ, Preisser EL, Xiao R, Chen J, Li DQ, Jiao XG: Inbreeding produces trade-offs between maternal fecundity and offspring survival in a monandrous spider. Animal Behaviour 2017, 132:253-259. 

8.Jiao XG, Chen ZQ, Wu J, Du HY, Liu FX, Chen JA, Li DQ: Male remating and female fitness in the wolf spider Pardosa astrigera: the role of male mating history. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2011, 65(2):325-332. 

9.Jiao XG, Chen ZQ, Du HY, Chen JA, Liu FX: Chemoreceptors distribution and relative importance of male forelegs and palps in intersexual chemical communication of the wolf spider Pardosa astrigera. Chemoecology 2011, 21(1):45-49. 

10.Chen ZQ, Jiao XG, Wu J, Chen J, Liu FX: Effects of copulation temperature on female reproductive output and longevity in the wolf spider Pardosa astrigera (Araneae: Lycosidae). Journal of Thermal Biology 2010, 35(3):125-128. 

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