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姓    名:
Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz
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云南勐腊县勐仑镇 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园


Jose Ahimsa Campos Arceiz研究员将依托中国科学院东南亚生物多样性研究中心,每年在该中心派驻缅甸等国的海外机构工作不少于6个月,开展亚洲大型哺乳动物生态学及其保护研究。Jose Ahimsa Campos Arceiz研究员是该中心首位全职引进的海外高层次人才。 

Jose Ahimsa Campos Arceiz研究员毕业于日本东京大学,历任诺丁汉大学马来西亚分校副教授、教授、IUCN亚洲象专家组能力建设工作组的联合主席、热带生物学与保护协会主席、保护生物学学会亚洲分会主席等,主要从事亚洲大型动物的生态与保护、种子散布、人类与野生动物的冲突、多学科交叉保护科学以及保护能力建设等方面研究。在国际刊物上发表SCI论文65篇,出版专著1本,多次主持重要国际会议。



PhD – Mar 2009, The University of Tokyo, Japan. 

MSc – Mar 2006, The University of Tokyo, Japan. 

BSc – Jun 2000, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 



Professor in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science, since 2020 to now. 

Professor in Tropical Conservation Ecology, School of Environmental and Geographical Sciences, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, 2018.  

Associate Professor in Tropical Conservation Ecology, School of Geography, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, 2013.  

Assistant Professor in Tropical Conservation Ecology, School of Geography, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, 2011-2013.  

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, 2009-2011. 



Ecology and conserva2on of Asian elephants and other megafauna  

Human-wildlife conflicts  

Seed dispersal  

Conservation policy and governance  

Conservation capacity building 



Principal Inves1gator – The Management & Ecology of Malaysian Elephants (MEME; 2011~).  

President – Associaaon for Tropical Biology and Conservaaon (ATBC; 2018-2020).  

Former President – Society for Conservaaon Biology (SCB) Asia Secaon (2014-2017).  

Co-Director – MINDSET, Interdisciplinary Centre for Tropical Environmental Studies (2016~).  



1. Megafauna ecological function. Large animals play important roles in ecosystem function. In tropical Asia, where megafauna are rapidly declining, we have very poor understanding of the consequences of their loss. At MEC we study elephant impacts on forest dynamics by means of herbivory (e.g., selectively damaging the saplings of their preferred food species) and seed dispersal (e.g., dispersing large-seeded plants over long distances). Much of this work takes place in Sundaic forests of Malaysia. 

2. Human-wildlife conflicts and coexistence. People and many animals compete ecologically. When we share the landscape with large and potentially dangerous animals such as elephants and large cats, human-wildlife conflicts occur in the form of animal attacks to people, damage on crops and livestock, and retaliatory measures by people. At MEC we study human-wildlife interactions and aim to promote human-wildlife coexistence by mitigating the costs of conflicts on both people and wildlife. 




(近五年) la Torre, J.A., Camacho, G., Arroyo-Gerala, P., Cassaigne, I., Rivero, M. and Campos-Arceiz, A., 2021. A cost-effective approach to mitigate conflict between ranchers and large predators: A case study with jaguars in the Mayan Forest. Biological Conservation, 256, p.109066. la Torre, J.A., Wong, E.P., Lechner, A.M., Zulaikha, N., Zawawi, A., AbdulPatah, P., Saaban, S., Goossens, B. and CamposArceiz*, A.; There will be conflictagricultural landscapes are prime, rather than ''>Tan, A.S., de la Torre, J.A., Wong, E.P., Thuppil, V. and Campos-Arceiz*, A.; Factors affecting urban and rural tolerance towards conflict-prone endangered megafauna in Peninsular Malaysia. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, 23, p.e01179. 

3.Moleón, M., Sánchez-Zapata, J.A., Donázar, J.A., Revilla, E., Martín-López, B., Gutiérrez-Cánovas, C., Getz, W.M., Morales-Reyes, Z., Campos-Arceiz, A., Crowder, L.B. and Galetti, M., 2020. Rethinking megafauna. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1922), p.20192643. la Torre, J.A., Lechner, A.M., Wong, E.P., Magintan, D., Saaban, S. and CamposArceiz*, A.; Using elephant movements to assess landscape connectivity under Peninsular Malaysia's central forest spine land use policy. Conservation Science and Practice, 2019, 1(12), p.e133. 

5.Wadey, J., Beyer, H.L., Saaban, S., Othman, N., Leimgruber, P. and Campos-Arceiz, A.*; Why did the elephant cross the road? The complex response of wild elephants to a major road in Peninsular Malaysia. Biological Conservation, 2018, 218, pp.91-98. 

6.Terborgh, J., Davenport, L.C., Ong, L. and CamposArceiz*, A., 2018. Foraging impacts of Asian megafauna on tropical rain forest structure and biodiversity. Biotropica, 50(1), pp.84-89. 

7.Lechner, A.M., Chan, F.K.S. and Campos-Arceiz, A.; Biodiversity conservation should be a core value of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Nature ecology & evolution, 2018, 2(3), pp.408-409. 

8.Ripple*, W.J., Chapron, G., López-Bao, J.V., Durant, S.M., Macdonald, D.W., Lindsey, P.A., Bennett, E.L., Beschta, R.L., Bruskotter, J.T., Campos-Arceiz, A. and Corlett, R.T., 2016. Saving the world's terrestrial megafauna. Bioscience, 66(10), pp.807-812. 

9.Nagulendran, K., Padfield, R., Aziz, S.A., Amir, A.A., Rahman, A.R.A., Latiff, M.A., Zafir, A., Quilter, A.G., Tan, A., Arifah, S. and Awang, N…. Campos-Arceiz*, A., 2016. A multi-stakeholder strategy to identify conservation priorities in Peninsular Malaysia. Cogent Environmental Science, 2(1), p.1254078. 


大型兽类生态学和保护组项目 中国科学院东南亚生物多样性研究中心核心团队项目      2020-2022 200. 

Megafauna Ecology and Conservation Project, Southeast Asian Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2020-2022, 2 million 

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