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男,19824月出生,浙江金华人,博士研究员,博士生导师中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园种子生物学研究组组长。以第一作者或通讯作者身份在PNAS, Molecular Plant, Plant Physiology等杂志发表SCI论文。立足于云南丰富的植物种质资源,围绕我国热带、亚热带重要植物资源特别是稀有濒危植物种质资源的保育需要,致力于植物种子发育、休眠或萌发调控机理研究和热带植物种子顽拗性重要功能基因挖掘。2013年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会,2015年入选云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才分别获得2019年及2013年云南省自然科学奖一、二等奖。 



2004.9-2010.7  中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园  理学博士 

2000.9-2004.7  云南大学生命科学学院  理学学士



2018.1-至今    中科院西双版纳热带植物园  研究员(四级)  博导 

2013.5-2017.12 中科院西双版纳热带植物园  副研究员(一级) 硕导 

2013.1-2013.5  中科院西双版纳热带植物园  副研究员(三级) 

2009.7-2012.12 中科院西双版纳热带植物园  助理研究员 


1. 通过正向遗传学及反向遗传学原理揭示植物种子发育、休眠或萌发的调控机理及信号传导网络;

2. 种子与极端环境适应机理研究;

3. 挖掘控制热带物种种子顽拗性的重要功能基因,揭示顽拗性形成的内在原因。


1)Li Daibo, Zhang Haiyan, Mou Minghui, Chen Yanli, Xiang Shengyuan, Ligang Chen*, and Diqiu Yu*. Arabidopsis class II TCP transcription factors integrate with the FT–FD module to control flowering. Plant Physiology. 2019, 181:97-111. .


2)Chen Ligang, Zhang Liping, Li Daibo, Wang Fang, and Yu Diqiu*. WRKY8 transcription factor functions in the TMV-cg defense response by mediating both abscisic acid and ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013, 110(21):E1963-1971.


3)Chen Ligang, Xiang Shengyuan, Chen Yanli, Li Daibo, and Yu Diqiu*. ArabidopsisWRKY45 interacts with the DELLA protein RGL1 to positively regulate age-triggered leaf senescence. Molecular Plant. 2017, 10, 1174–1189.


4)Zhang Liping, Chen Ligang* and Yu Diqiu*. Transcription factor WRKY75 interacts with DELLA proteins to affect flowering. Plant Physiology. 2018, 176:790-803.


5)Chen Ligang, Song Yu, Li Shujia, Zhang Liping, Zou Changsong, and Yu Diqiu*. The role of WRKY transcription factors in plant abiotic stresses. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Regulatory Mechanisms. 2012, 1819:120-128.


6)Chen Ligang, Zhang Liping and Yu Diqiu*. Wounding-induced WRKY8 is involved in basal defense in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2010, 23:558-565.


7)Song Yu#, Chen Ligang#, Zhang Liping, and Yu Diqiu*. Overexpression of OsWRKY72 gene interferes in the ABA signal and auxin transport pathway of Arabidopsis. Journal of Biosciences, 2010, 35: 459-471.(# co-first author).


8)Chen Ligang and Yu Diqiu*. ABA regulation of plant response to Biotic Stresses. 2014. Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York London, Abscisic acid: Metabolism, Transport and Signaling, pp.409-429.


9)王其娟,陈利钢*, 余迪求*.过表达AtWRKY71影响植物对病原菌Pseudomonas syringae的抗性, 植物分类与资源学报, 2015, 37(5):577-585.


10)Hu Yanru, Chen Ligang, Wang Houping, Zhang Liping, Wang Fang, and Yu Diqiu*. Arabidopsis transcription factor WRKY8 functions antagonistically with it’s interacting partner VQ9 to modulate salinity stress tolerance. Plant Journal. 2013, 74(5):730-745.


11)Jiang Guofeng, Jiang Bole, Chen Ligang, and Yu Diqiu* et al. The T3S effector XopXccN of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris is involved in plant defense through interference with photosystems, ROS generation, and callose deposition. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2012, 6:3673-3683.


12)Li Shujia, Fu Qiantang, Chen Ligang, Huang Weidong, and Yu Diqiu*. Arabidopsis thaliana WRKY25, WRKY26, and WRKY33 coordinate induction of plant thermotolerance. Planta, 2011, 233:1237-1252. (IF=3.632)


13)Li Shujia, Zhou Xiang, Chen Ligang, Huang Weidong and Yu Diqiu*. Functional characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana WRKY39 in heat stress. Molecules and Cells, 2010, 29:475-483.


14)Yu Diqiu, Chen Ligang and Zhang Liping. Transcription Factor WRKY Superfamily: Origin, Structure and Function. Acta Botanica Yunnanica, 2006, 28(1):69-77.








4)国家重点研发计划:“七大农作物育种 ”中“棉花品质、抗逆等重要性状的功能基因组与调控网络 ”项目下课题“植物激素调控棉花黄萎病害的分子机制研究”(2016YFD0101006; 2016.7-2020.12;经费:55万元;在研,主持)。


5)云南省自然科学面上项目:JAZ-NOT2复合物调控植物抗病的分子机理 (2017FB047;2017.1.-2019.12;经费:10万元;在研,主持)。




7)中国科学院“西部之光”重点项目:拟南芥SERRATE基因调控植物基础抗病性的分子机制研究(2014.1-2016.12; 经费:50万元;结题,获得优秀,主持)。





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