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邵士成 男,山东临沂人,中共党员,博士,副研究员。主要研究领域:兰科菌根生态学,包括种子共生萌发真菌专一性、菌根真菌多样性对兰科植物种群动态分布的影响以及菌根技术在兰科植物回归、保护方面的应用研究。 



2008/09 – 2011/07,中国科学院昆明植物研究所,生物多样性与生物地理学重点实验室,植物学专业,博士 

2005/09 – 2008/07,云南大学,生命科学学院,水生生物学专业,硕士 

2001/09 – 2005/07 临沂师范学院,生命科学学院,生物学专业,学士 



2020/05 至今,中科院西双版纳热带植物园,园林园艺部,副研究员 

2017/08 2020/04,中科院西双版纳热带植物园,园林园艺部,助理研究员 

2016/08 2017/02,美国佐治亚州哥伦布州立大学,文理学院生物系,青年访问学者 

2013/01 2017/07,中科院西双版纳热带植物园,濒危植物迁地保护与再引种研究组,助理研究员 

2011/07 2012/12中科院西双版纳热带植物园,中心实验室,工程师 




(1) SC Shao, QX Wang, KC Beng, DK Zhao, H Jacquemyn. 2020. Fungi isolated from host protocorms accelerate symbiotic seed germination in an endangered orchid species (Dendrobium chrysotoxum) from southern China. Mycorrhiza, 30: 529–539. 

(2) SC Shao, Y Luo, WB Yu. 2020. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Lactarius trivialis (Russulalles, Basidiomycota). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5(3): 2078–2079. 

(3) XC Xing, Q Liu, Y Gao, SC Shao, LL Guo, H Jacquemyn, ZY Zhao, SX Guo. 2020. The architecture of the network of orchid-fungus interactions in nine co-occurring Dendrobium species. Frontiers Ecology and Evolution, 8: 130. 

(4) SC Shao, HP Xi, D Mohandass*. 2019. Symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi isolated via ex situ seed baiting induce seed germination of Dendrobium catenatum Lindl. (Orchidaceae). Applied ecology and environmental research, 17(4): 9753-9771. 

(5) VS Ramachandran, D Mohandass, MJ Campbell, C Mammides, SC Shao*. 2019. Selective logging intensity alters the population stand structure of cullenia-mesua-palaquium dominated tropical wet evergreen forest of the western Ghats, south India. Applied ecology and environmental research, 17(4): 9591-9607. 

(6) QX Wang#, SC Shao#, YC Su, XL Hu, Y Shen*, DK Zhao*. 2019. A novel case of autogamy and cleistogamy in Dendrobium wangliangii: A rare orchid distributed in the dryhot valley. Ecology and evolution, 9: 12906–12914. 

(7) YY Meng, SC Shao, SJ Liu, JY Gao*. 2019. Do the fungi associated with roots of adult plants support seed germination? A case study on Dendrobium exile (Orchidaceae)." Global Ecology and Conservation. Online, e00582.  

(8) YY Meng, XL Fan, LR Zhou, SC Shao, Q Liu, MA Selosse, JY Gao. 2019. Symbiotic fungi undergo a taxonomic and functional bottleneck during orchid seeds germination: a case study on Dendrobium moniliforme. Symbiosis, 3: 205–212.  

(9) SC Shao, D. Mohandass, JT Gao. 2018. In situ symbiotic seed germination in Dendrobium spp. (Orchidaceae): implications for orchid restoration. Cah. Soc. Fr. Orch., n°, 9: 3646.  

(10) SC ShaoKS Burgess, J Cruse-Sanders, Q Liu, XL Fan, H  HuangJY Gao*. 2017. Using in situ symbiotic seed germination to restore over-collected medicinal orchids in Southwest China. Frontier in plant science, Online, 8: 888. 

(11) JL Downing, H Liu, SC Shao, XL Wang, M McCormick, RY Deng, JY Gao. 2017. Contrasting changes in biotic interactions of orchid populations subject to conservation introduction vs. conventional translocation in tropical China. Biological Conservation, 212: 29–38.  

(12) SC Shao, PG Liu*XF Tian, B Buyck, YH Geng. 2016. A new species of Cantharellus (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota, Fungi) from subalpine forest in Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa, 252 (4): 273–279. 

(13) SC Shao, B Buyck, XF Tian, YH Geng, PG Liu*. 2015. Cantharellus phloginus, a new species from southwestern China. Mycoscience, 57144-149. 

(14) SC Shao, B Buyck, V Hofstetter, XF Tian, YH Geng, FQ Yu, PG Liu. 2014. Cantharellus hygrophorus, a new species in subgenus Afrocantharellus from tropical southwestern China. Cryptogamie Mycologie, 35(3): 283291. 



(1) 邵士成, 高江云, 盛春玲. 2015. 胶膜菌属真菌菌株及其在促进硬叶兰种子萌发中的应用, 授权号: ZL201310424218.5. 

(2) 高江云, 邵士成, 盛春玲. 2015. 胶膜菌菌株及其促进兜唇石斛种子萌发中的应用. 授权号: ZL201310424790.1. 

(3) 高江云, 邵士成, 字肖萌, 林华, 刘强. 2017. 一种促进齿瓣石斛种子萌发形成幼苗的菌株及其应用. 授权号: ZL201510078367.X. 

(4) 邵士成, 高江云, 刘强, 黄晖. 2018. 一种齿瓣石斛共生种苗的人工繁育方法. 授权号: ZL201510992749.3. 

(5) 邵士成, 高江云, 黄晖, 刘强. 2018.一种齿瓣石斛种子和共生真菌混合播种的育苗方法. 授权号: ZL201610108301.5. 

(6) 高江云, 邵士成, 黄晖, 刘强. 2019. 一种在茶树上直接播种齿瓣石斛种子培育种苗的方法. 授权号: ZL 201610108786.8. 



(1) 邵士成, 罗艳. 2019. 菌根技术在濒危药用齿瓣石斛物种保护和产业栽培方面的应用价值探讨, 14届全国菌根学术研讨会, 口头报告, 中国长春. 

(2) Shi-Cheng Shao. 2018. An effective and practical tool for orchid reintroduction and conservation. The European Orchid Council Conference and Exhibition (Paris, The Republic of France). Presentation and Abstract, P37-38. 

(3) Shi-Cheng Shao, Jiang-Yun Gao. 2016. Preliminary population restoration of Dendrobium cucullatum in the wild using a new method based on symbiotic seed germination. The 6th International Orchid Conservation Congress (Hong Kong). Presentation. 

(4) Shi-Cheng Shao. 2015. The potential of symbiotic seed germination to restore the endangered medicinal species: the practice of Dendrobium devonianum in XSBN. The 11th International Symposium on Diversity and Conservation of Asian orchids (Seocheon, Republic of Korea). Presentation. 


(1) NSFC-云南联合基金石斛属植物在不同生活史阶段与真菌的共生关系及进化机制,子课题,60万元,编号U1702235,执行日期201801月至 2021 12月,主持. 

(2) 科技部重点专项西南高山峡谷地区生物多样性保护与恢复技术项目方向六重要濒危植物类群的综合保护理论及种群恢复技术课题,30万元,编号2017YFC0505200,执行日期201707月至202012月,主持. 

(3) 国家自然科学基金,青年项目不同生境条件下齿瓣石斛不同生长时期菌根真菌多样性研究24万元,编号31400021,执行日期201501月至201712月,主持. 

(4) 西双版纳州科技计划项目基于种子共生萌发技术开展齿瓣石斛仿生态种植推广试验研究10万元,执行日期201601月至201612月,主持. 

(5) 北京市海淀区山水生态伙伴自然保护中心项目极小种群物种白旗兜兰保护生物学研究及其保护教育5万元,编号SY003,执行日期:201401月至201512月,主持. 

(6) 中国科学院设备功能开发技术创新项目同位素质谱仪测定土壤/植物水稳定同位素的功能开发30万,执行日期201201月至201212月,主持. 

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