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1. Liu CG*, Jin YQ, Hu YN, Tang JW, Xiong QL, Xu MX, Farkhanda Bibi, Kingsly C. Beng. 2019. Drivers of soil bacterial community structure and diversity in tropical agroforestry systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 278: 24–34. 

2. Liu CG*, Jin YQ, Liu CA, Tang JW*, Wang QW, Xu MX. 2018. Phosphorous fractions in soils of rubber-based agroforestry systems: Influence of season, management and stand age. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617: 1575–1587. 

3. Liu CG, Pang JP, Jepsen MR, Lü XT, Tang JW*. 2017. Carbon stocks across a fifty year chronosequence of rubber plantations in tropical China. Forests, 8: 209. 

4. Liu CG, Wang YJ*, Jin YQ, Pan KW, Zhou XM, Li N. 2017. Photoprotection regulated by phosphorus application can improve photosynthetic performance and alleviate oxidative damage in dwarf bamboo subjected to water stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 118: 88–97. 

5. Liu CG*, Wang QW, Jin YQ, Pan KW, Wang YJ. 2017. Photoprotective and antioxidative mechanisms against oxidative damage in Fargesia rufa subjected to drought and salinity. Functional Plant Biology, 44: 302–311. 

6. Liu CG, Wang YJ*, Pan KW, Wang QW, Liang J, Jin YQ, Tariq A. 2017. The synergistic responses of different photoprotective pathways in dwarf bamboo (Fargesia rufa) to drought and subsequent rewatering. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 489. 

7. Liu CG, Wang YJ*, Pan KW*, Jin YQ, Li W, Zhang L. 2015. Effects of phosphorus application on growth, carbon and nitrogen metabolism and water use efficiency of dwarf bamboo (Fargesia rufa Yi) subjected to water deficit. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 96: 20-28. 

8. Liu CG, Wang YJ *, Pan KW*, Jin YQ, Duan LL, Li W, Zhang L. 2015. Photosynthetic carbon and nitrogen metabolism and the relationship between their metabolites and lipid peroxidation in dwarf bamboo (Fargesia rufa Yi) during drought and subsequent recovery. Trees-Structure and Function, 29: 1633-1647. 

9. Liu CG, Wang YJ*, Pan KW*, Zhu TT, Li W, Zhang L. 2014. Carbon and nitrogen metabolism in leaves and roots of dwarf bamboo (Fargesia denudata Yi) subjected to drought for two consecutive years during sprouting. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 33: 243–255. 

10. Liu CG, Wang YJ*, Pan KW*, Li W, Zhang L, Shen XY, Liu LJ, Deng MR. 2014. Responses of the antioxidative defense system to drought stress in the leaves of Fargesia denudata seedlings, the staple food of the giant panda. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 61: 374–383. 

11. Jin YQ, Li J, Liu CG, Liu YT, Zhang YP*, Song QH*, Sha LQ, Balasubramanian D, Chen AG, Yang DX, Li PG. 2019. Precipitation reduction alters herbaceous community structure and composition in a savanna. Journal of Vegetation Science,  

12. Wang QW*, Liu CG, Zhou WM, Qi L, Zhou L, Yu DP*, Dai LM. 2018. Mobile carbon supply in trees and shrubs at the alpine treeline ecotone. Plant Ecology, 219: 467–479. 

13. Jin YQ, Li J, Liu CG, Liu YT*, Zhang YP*, Sha LQ, Wang Z, Song QH, Lin YX, Zhou RW, Chen AG, Li PG, Fei XH, Grace J. 2018. Carbohydrate dynamics of three dominant species in a Chinese savanna under precipitation exclusion. Tree Physiology, 38: 1371-1383.   

14. Wang QW*, Qi L, Zhou WM, Liu CG, Yu DP, Dai LM. 2018. Carbon dynamics in the deciduous broadleaf tree Erman’s birch (Betula ermanii) at the subalpine treeline on Changbai Mountain, Northeast China. American Journal of Botany, 105: 42–49. 

15. Guo B, Yang G*, Zhang FF*, Han F, Liu CG. 2018. Dynamic monitoring of soil erosion in the upper Minjiang catchment using an improved soil loss equation based on remote sensing and geographic information system. Land Degradation & Development, 29: 521–533. 

16. Tariq A, Pan KW*, Olatunji OA, Graciano C, et al., Liu CG. 2017. Phosphorous application improves drought tolerance of Phoebe zhennan. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 1561. 

17. Pan KW*, Gong PM, Wang JC, Wang YJ, Liu CG, et al., Applications of nitrate and ammonium fertilizers alter soil nematode food webs in a continuous cucumber cropping system in Southwestern Sichuan, China. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 4: 287–300. 

18. Shen XY, Liu CG, Pan KW*. 2014. Reproductive Biological Characteristics of Dendrobium Species, Reproductive Biology of Plants (Edited by Ramawat KG), 195–217 (Book Chapter 10). 

19. 刘成刚, 黄强, 邓铭瑞, . 2013. 岷江上游椒农间作模式能流、物流及价值流研究. 生态环境学报, 22(1):116–122. 

20.  刘成刚, 吴永波, 薛建辉*, . 2012. 刺槐滇柏混交林及纯林土壤酶活性与养分的相关性. 土壤通报, 43(6):1427–1431. 

21. 刘成刚, 薛建辉*. 2011. 喀斯特石漠化山地不同类型人工林土壤的基本性质和综合评价. 植物生态学报, 35 (10):1050–1060. 

22.  刘成刚, 戎宇, 薛建辉*, 姚健. 2011. 喀斯特山地不同人工林土壤酶活性与草本层结构特征的关系. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版, 35(2):99–102. 

23. 王飞军, 陈蕾西, 刘成刚, . 2016. 不同年龄橡胶-催吐萝芙木-降香黄檀复合生态系统中植物的生长动态及其生物量. 中南林业科技大学学报, 36: 86–93. 

24. 张森, 谢志英, 陈蕾西, 刘成刚, . 2016.不同年龄橡胶-萝芙木-大叶千斤拔复合生态系统的生物量及年生长量研究. 生态学杂志, 35: 1704–1712. 

25.  朱婷婷, 李伟, 刘成刚, 潘开文*. 2014. 四川盆地麻竹, 巨桉人工林对土壤线虫群落结构的影响. 生态学杂志, 33 (4):1034–1041 

26.  季猛, 刘华存, 李伟*, 刘成刚, . 2013. 成都市退耕还林工程后续产业发展现状及对策. 四川林业科技, 34(2):91–94. 

27.  戎宇, 刘成刚, 薛建辉*. 2011. 喀斯特山地不同人工林土壤特性差异与综合评价. 南京林业大学学报:自然科学版, 35(2):108–112. 

28. 章芹, 薛建辉*, 刘成刚. 2011. Cd2+CTAB复合污染对枫香幼苗生长与生理生化特征的影响. 生态学报, 31(19):5824–5831.  

29. 刘金根, 薛建辉*, 王磊, 丁晶晶, 马婉丽, 刘成刚, 戎宇. 2011. 江苏大丰麋鹿自然保护区栖息地退化特征. 生态学杂志, 30 (8):1793–1798. 

30. 段达祥, 高晟, 吴永波*,刘成刚. 2011. 喀斯特地区人工林土壤速效养分与酶活性的季节变化. 林业科技开发, 15(3):58–62. 

31. 张显松, 姚健, 薛建辉*, 吴永波, 刘成刚. 2010. 喀斯特地区人工林凋落物及表层土壤水源涵养功能. 林业科技开发, 24(4):32–35. 

32. 李孟楼*, 刘成刚, 马创奇, 张伟. 2009. 花椒抗花椒窄吉丁虫优树的选择. 林业科技开发, 23(2):12–15. 


1.中国科学院“青年创新促进会”专项经费 (2019388),80万元,2019.01-2022.12,主持;

2.云南省应用基础研究面上项目 (2018FB042),10万元,热带地区土壤真菌群落结构对土地利用变化的响应-以西双版纳为例,2018.06-2021.05,主持;

3.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (31600507),24万元,橡胶-大叶千斤拔复合生态系统根系分泌物特征及其对土壤磷素转化的调控机制,2017.01-2019.12,主持;


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