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20089—201412月,硕博连读,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园,生态学专业,博士研究方向:    蜘蛛在森林地表和茶园生态系统中的生态作用。指导老师:陈进,杨效东 研究员。  





20151—20173月,博士后研究,中国科学院华南植物园,研究方向:氮沉降对森林地表蜘蛛群落结构及其生态功能的影响,合作导师:傅声雷 研究员。 




1.    Liu Shengjie, Jocelyn E. Behm, Chen Jin, Fu Shenglei, He Xinxing, Hu Jing, Douglas Schaefer, Gan Jianmin, Yang Xiaodong. 2016. Functional redundancy dampens the trophic cascade effect of a web- building spider in a tropical forest floor. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 98: 22-29. (IF=4.9, TOP)

2.    Liu Shengjie, Chen Jin, Gan Wenjin, Fu Shenglei, Douglas Schaefer, Gan Jianmin, Yang Xiaodong. 2016. Cascading effects of spiders on a forest-floor food web in the face of environmental change. Basic and Applied Ecology. 17: 527-534. (IF=2.3) 

3.    Liu Shengjie, Yang Xiaodong, Ives A. R., Feng Zhili, Sha Liqing. 2017. Effects of seasonal grazing and perennial grazing on the soil fauna community and microbial biomass carbon in the subalpine meadows of Yunnan, SW China. Pedosphere 27: 371-379. (IF=2.4)

4.    Liu Shengjie, Chen Jin, Gan Wenjin, Schaefer D. A., Gan Jianmin, Yang Xiaodong. 2015. Spider foraging strategy effects on trophic cascades under natural and drought conditions. Scientific reports 5. (IF=4.3) 

5.    Liu Shengjie, Li Zhipeng, Sui Yi, Schaefer D. A., Alele P. O., Chen Jin, Yang Xiaodong. 2015. Spider foraging strategies dominate biological control effectiveness in organic tea plantations. BioControl. 60: 839-847. (IF=1.9)  

6.    Liu Shengjie, Chen Jin, He Xinxing, Hu Jing, Yang Xiaodong. 2014. Trophic cascade of a web-building spider decreases litter decomposition in a tropical forest floor. European Journal of Soil Biology 65: 79-86. (IF=2.4) 

7.    Liu Shengjie, Hu Jing, Jocelyn Behm, He Xinxing, Gan Jianmin, Yang Xiaodong, 2018. Nitrogen addition changes the trophic cascade effects of spiders on a detrital food web. Ecosphere 9: e02466. (IF=2.7) 

8.    Zhanqi Chen, Richard T. Corlett, Xiaoguo Jiao, Sheng-Jie Liu, Tristan Charles-Dominique, Shichang Zhang, Huan Li, Ren Lai, Chengbo Long, Rui-Chang Quan, 2018. Prolonged milk provisioning in a jumping spider. Science 30: 1052-1055. (IF=42, TOP) 

9.    Gan Wenjin, Liu Shengjie, Lei Chaoliang, Li Daiqin, Yang Xiaodong. 2015. Prey interception drives web invasion and spider size determines successful web takeover in nocturnal orb-web spiders. Biology Open.  00: 1-4. (IF=2.1) 

10. Xinxing He, Yuanqi Chen, Shengjie Liu, Anna Gunina, Xiaoli Wang, Weili Chen, Yuanhu Shao, Leilei Shi, Qing Yao, Jianxiong Li, Xiaoming Zou, Joshua P. Schimel, Weixin Zhang, Shenglei Fu. 2017. Cooperation of earthworm and arbuscular mycorrhizae enhanced plant N uptake by balancing absorption and supply of ammonia. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 116:351-359. (IF=4.9, TOP) 

11. Zheng Guo, Li Shuqiang, Wu Pengfeng, Liu Shengjie, Roger L. Kitching, Yang Xiaodong. 2016. Diversity and assemblage structure of bark-dwelling spider in tropical rainforest and plantations under different management intensities in Xishuangbanna, China. Insect Conservation and Diversity 10: 224-235. (IF=1.8) 

12. Kasun S. Abeysinghe, Xiao-Dong Yang, Eben Goodale, Christopher Anderson, Kevin Bishop, Axiang Cao, Xinbin Feng, Liu Shengjie, Christos Mammides, Bo Meng, Rui-Chang Quan,Jing Sun and Guangle Qiu. 2016. Total and methyl mercury concentrations over a gradient of contamination in earthworms living in rice paddy soil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. doi:10.1002/etc.3643. (IF=2.9) 

13. Abeysinghe Kasun; Qiu Guangle; Goodale Eben; Anderson Christopher; Bishop Kevin; Du Buyun; Evers David; Goodale Morgan; Hintelmann Holger; Li Ping; Liu Shengjie; Mammides Christos; Quan Ruichang; Wang Jin; Wu Pianpian; Xu Xiaohang; Yang Xiaodong; Xiong Min; Feng Xinbin. 2017. Mercury flow through an Asian rice-based food web. Environmental Pollution. 229: 219-228. (IF=5.1, TOP) 

14. 邵元虎,张卫信,刘胜杰,王晓丽,傅声雷。土壤动物多样性及其生态功能.生态学报,2015356614-6625 

15. 林小兵,刘胜杰,肖海峰,夏尚文,杨效东. 橡胶林种植对白蚁群落结构和多样性的影响. 生态学杂志,201736: 2847-2854.  


1.    2016-2018 国家自然科学基金 (31500444)。项目名称:林冠模拟氮沉降对森林地表蜘蛛及其级联效应的影响。金额:24万元,主持。 

2.    2015-2016 中国博士后科学基金 (2015M582434)。项目名称:氮沉降对蜘蛛功能作用和生态位的影响。金额:5万元,主持。 

3.    2018-2021 云南省基础研究面上项目 (2018FB039),项目名称:茶园生态系统中天敌和害虫的食物网拓扑结构。金额:10万元,主持。 

4.    2019-2011 入选中国科学院青年创新促进会”(2019387),获得资助,金额:80万元,主持。 

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