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1996-1997年:澳大利亚Curtin University of Technology 环境生物学院访问学者;
1997-2001年:在澳大利亚Curtin University of Technology环境生物学院,师从国际著名热带生态学家 John E D Fox 教授,获得理学博士学位。

1997-2001年:在澳大利亚科Curtin University of Technology,从事环境生物与恢复生态学研究;

2001年9月至今:因科研成绩显著,连续三届(三年一届)被澳大利亚Curtin University of Technology环境生物学院聘为兼职教授;

  获得科技奖 1. 紫茎泽兰防除研究”获得中国科学院1989年度科技进步二等奖,本人在其中做出了重要贡献; 2.“西南地区生物资源开发与发展战略研究”获得中国科学院1993年度科技进步二等奖,1993年荣获国家科技进步二等奖,本人在其中做出了重要贡献; 3. 1995年荣获中国科学院“方树泉青年科学家奖”; 4.“云南泥石流生物生态工程治理试验示范”获得2000年云南省科技进步三等奖; 5. 1997年获得澳大利亚政府的优秀海外留学生研究奖学金; 6.“山地湿性常绿阔叶林附生(植)物生态学效应”获2003年度云南省自然科学二等奖(排名第一)。
  已先后发表论文 90 余篇,参与编写专著二部。近期发表的代表性论文有:

Yuan C. M.,Liu W. Y., Tang C. Q. (2009) Species composition, diversity and abundance of lianas in different secondary and primary forests in a subtropical mountainous area, SW China. Ecological Research (in press)

Yang, L.P., Liu, W. Y., Ma W. Z. (2008) Woody debris stocks in different secondary and primary forests in the subtropical Ailao Mountains, southwest China. Ecological Research 23: 805-812.

Liu, W. J., Liu, W. Y., Li, J. T., Wu, Z. W., Li, H. M. (2008) Isotope variations of throughfall, stemflow and soil water in a tropical rain forest and a rubber plantation in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Hydrology Research 39: 437–449.

Liu, W. J.,, Wang, P. Y., Liu, W. Y., Li, J. T., Li, P. J. (2008) The importance of radiation fog in the tropical rain forest of Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Hydrology Research 39: 79–87.

Shen, Y.X., Liu W. Y., Cao M., Li, Y. (2007) Seasonal variation in density and species richness of soil seed-banks in karst forests and degraded vegetation in central Yunnan, SW China. Seed Science Research 17(2): 99-107.

Liu, W. J., Liu, W. Y., Li, P. J., Gao, L., Shen, Y. X., Wang P., Y., Zhang, Y. P., Li, H., M. (2007) Using stable isotopes to determine sources of fog drip in a tropical seasonal rain forest of Xishuangbanna, SW China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 143: 80-91.

Liu, W. Y., Fox, J. E. D. & Xu, Z. (2003) Nutrient budgets of natural Lithocarpus /Castanopsis forest on Ailao Mountains, Yunnan, SW China. Hydrological Processes 17: 1119-1134.

Liu, W.Y. , Fox, E. D. Fox & Xu, Z. (2003) Litterfall and nutrient dynamics in montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest on Ailao Mountains, SW China. Plant Ecology 164: 157-170.

Liu, W. Y. , Fox, J. E. D & Xu, Z. (2002) Nutrient fluxes in bulk precipitation, throughfall and stemflow in montane subtropical moist forest on Ailao Mountains in Yunnan, SW China. Journal of Tropical Ecology 18: 527-548.

Liu, W. Y., Fox, J. E. D. & Xu, Z. F. (2002) Biomass and nutrient accumulation in montane evergreen broad-leaved forest ( Lithocarpus xylocarpus type) in Ailao Mountains, SW China. Forest Ecology and Management 158: 223-235.

Sheng, Y. X, Zhang, Y. D., Zhang, P. & Liu, W. Y. (2001). Effects of disturbance type on soil seed banks in a debris-flow prone dry valley of northern Yunnan. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 25 (5):623-629.

Liu, W. Y., Fox, J. E. D. & Xu, Z. F. (2001) Community characteristics, species diversity and management of middle mountain moist evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Ailao Mountains, southwestern China. Pacific Conservation Biology 7 (1):34-47.

Liu, W. Y., Fox, J. E. D. and Xu, Z. F. (2000) Leaf litter decomposition of canopy trees, bamboo and moss in montane moist evergreen broad-leaved forest in Ailao Mountain of Yunnan, SW China. Ecological Research 15 (4): 435-447.

Sheng, C. Y., Liu, L. H. & Liu. W. Y. (2000). Biomass and dynamics of soil environment during the early stage of vegetation restoration in a degradation dry-hot mountain area of Nanjian, Yunnan. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica 24 (5): 575-580.

Liu, W. Y., Liu. L. H. & He, A. (2000) Decomposition of leaf litter in Pinus yunnanensis forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest in central Yunnan. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 22: 298-306.

Liu, W. Y. (2000) The role of epiphytic materials in nutrient cycling of forest ecosystem. Chinese Journal of Ecology 19: 30-35.

Liu, W. Y., Liu, L. H. & Sheng, C. Y. (1999) Adaptability and application of biological engineering for controlling debris flow. Journal of Mountain Science 17: 358-362.

Liu, W. Y., Liu, L. H., Qiu, X. Z., Xie, S. C. & Sheng, C. Y. (1999) Bio-ecological engineering prevention and control of debris flow of Houshan by Nanjian County Town, Yunnan. Journal of Mountain Science 17: 136-140.

Liu, W. Y., Liu, L. H., Qiu, X. Z., Xie, S. C., Sheng, C. Y. & Tang C. (1999) Environmental characteristics and its control of dry-hot degraded mountainous area by Nanjian County, Yunnan Province. Journal of Soil Erosion and Soil and Water Conservation 5: 87-95.

Liu, W. Y., Sheng, C. Y. & Liu, L. H. (1999) Vegetation restoration on degraded mountainous area of dry-hot river valley in Nanjian County, Yunnan Province. Journal of Beijing Forestry University 21: 9-13.

Liu, W. Y., Sheng, C. Y. & Liu, L. H. (1999) Analysis of benefit of vegetation restoration on degraded mountainous area of dry-hot river valley in Nanjian County. Guihaia 19: 215-220.

Liu, W.Y. (1999) Study on rainfall erosivity and soil erodibility in the Zhaotong Basin, Yunnan Province. Yunnan Geological Environment Research 11: 76-82.

Liu, W. Y., Liu, L. H. & Sheng, C. Y. (1999) Experience on bio-ecological engineering harnessing of gullies in degraded mountainous region in dry-hot valley, Nanjian, Yunnan. Yunnan Geological Environment Research 11: 38-43.

  在二十多年的科研工作中,先后承担完成和正在实施的国家、省部级研究课题 20余项。其中,目前主持的研究项目主要有:



3. “哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林、山顶苔藓矮林林冠腐殖质的组成、性质及酶活性研究”(国家自然科学基金项目,主持人)


5. “山地湿性常绿阔叶林附生植物对气候变化的响应及其生物指示能力研究”(国家自然科学基金项目,主持人)

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