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CONSTANS interacts with and antagonizes ABF transcription factors during salt stress under long-day conditions

First Author: Du, JC
Abstract: CONSTANS (CO) is a critical regulator of flowering that combines photoperiodic and circadian signals in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). CO is expressed in multiple tissues, including seedling roots and young leaves. However, the roles and underlying mechanisms of CO in modulating physiological processes outside of flowering remain obscure. Here, we show that the expression of CO responds to salinity treatment. CO negatively mediated salinity tolerance under long-day (LD) conditions. Seedlings from co-mutants were more tolerant to salinity stress, whereas overexpression of CO resulted in plants with reduced tolerance to salinity stress. Further genetic analyses revealed the negative involvement of GIGANTEA (GI) in salinity tolerance requires a functional CO. Mechanistic analysis demonstrated that CO physically interacts with 4 critical basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcription factors; ABSCISIC ACID-RESPONSIVE ELEMENT BINDING FACTOR1 (ABF1), ABF2, ABF3, and ABF4. Disrupting these ABFs made plants hypersensitive to salinity stress, demonstrating that ABFs enhance salinity tolerance. Moreover, ABF mutations largely rescued the salinity-tolerant phenotype of co-mutants. CO suppresses the expression of several salinity-responsive genes and influences the transcriptional regulation function of ABF3. Collectively, our results show that the LD-induced CO works antagonistically with ABFs to modulate salinity responses, thus revealing how CO negatively regulates plant adaptation to salinity stress. The CONSTANS protein negatively modulates salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis by physically associating with and antagonizing the ABF transcription factors under LD conditions.
Contact the author: Hu, YR
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Subject: Plant Sciences
Impact Factor: 7.4
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PubYear: 2023
Publication Name: PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
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